3D Model Review Checklist In Process Industries

3D Model Review Checklist

3D Model Review Checklist

3D models have revolutionized how process industries plan, construct, and maintain their facilities, from designing complex industrial plants to visualizing intricate equipment layouts. Therefore, in today’s dynamic process industries, 3D modeling technology helps achieve the right precision & efficiency. However, with the growing complexity of projects & the involvement of multiple stakeholders, ensuring accurate and effective 3D model reviews has become essential.

This blog will present a comprehensive guideline for conducting 3D model reviews across process industries. It is aimed at optimizing project outcomes & streamlining collaboration among teams. And by following the said best practices, organizations can enhance their overall productivity, minimize errors, and deliver projects successfully within budget & schedule constraints.

3D Model Review Checklist

What is a 3D Model & What is the Purpose of Pre-Designing?

A 3D model refers to a collection of graphical data that describes the facilities of a plant for visualization purposes. It helps to portray real-world and conceptual visuals in a simulation through drafting software to navigate the accurate interpretation of drawing and the physical look and positioning of some plant components. Further, it can be accessed via various visualization applications. The graphical data are an integral part of an engineering database supporting the design process with specialized 3D CAD modeling services.

What is a 3D Model Review?

A 3D model review refers to the process of the evaluation & analysis of a digital representation to assess accuracy, quality, and adherence to the suggested specifications. As part of the process, feedback helps identify errors & improve the model before finalization while ensuring optimal performance & alignment with intended objectives.

Pre-designing Purpose:
A plant is first drafted in a 3D model and pre-designed to fulfill the following purpose:

Utilizing a 3D CAD engineering database offers several benefits, including ensuring document consistency and enhancing coordination among various disciplines. It seamlessly integrates different engineering phases, such as piping, foundations, structures, equipment, electrical, and instrumentation, into a single CAD model, free from clashes or conflicts.